Monday, February 26, 2007

Kingsly Plantation , Florida

Zephaniah Kingsley, 1775- 1852

In the early years of the 19th century came to spanish Florida.Some like Zepahanih Kinglsy, sought to make their fortunes by obtaining land for establishing their plantations.

Others were forced to come to Florida to work on those plantations, their labor enriching the men who owed them.

Some of the enslaved would later become free landowners, struggling to kfeep their footing in a dangerous time of shifting alliances and politics.

All of these people played a part in the history of the Kingsly Plantation.

Kingsly Plantation symbolizes a time and a place inm history. Nore than that, Kingsly Plantation represents people, free and snslaved. ordinary and extraordinary, and their efforts to survive in a changing land.
The stories of these people, often heroic, and their contributions to history can be exlored at the Kingsly Plantation.

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